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. 2020 Oct 1;15(10):e0239967. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0239967

Table 2. Overview of the interview itemsA.

Central topic Topics to be covered Example questions Possible in-depth questions
Course of disease • Diagnosis
• Progress, Symptoms
• Treatment, Side effects
• Health care use after completion of treatment
• Health care recommendations by clinic or rehabilitation clinic
• Which cancer was diagnosed?
• When did you receive the diagnosis?
• Which treatment did your child receive?
• Could you provide an example/a typical situation?
• How did you feel about that?
Reintegration of the ill child in nursery/school • process of reintegration and changes in nursery/school
• associated factors with nursery/school reintegration
• current situation and satisfaction with situation
• How was the impact of the disease on school/nursery?
• Which changes in school/nursery did your child experiences due to the disease until today?
• What factors did influence the situation?
Reintegration of the ill child in social life and leisure time activities • changes in social life and leisure time activities from diagnoses up to today
• barriers and facilitators for participating in social life and leisure time activities
• current situation and satisfaction with situation
• Which changes in social life and leisure time did your child experience due to the disease until today?
• What were barriers or facilitators for reintegration?

A Original questions were in German language. The questions were translated into English language for the publication.