Fig 5. Sensitivity of the multiple-reactivation model to misspecification.
(A) A misspecified initial viral load v0 can lead to a biased estimate of the recrudescence rate λ. Rebound data sets (n = 200) were simulated by sampling from the viral load process (Eq 1) using different values of the recrudescence rate λ (horizontal dashed lines), and different assumed values of v0 (horizontal axis). The ground truth value of v0 equals 0.1 copies mL−1 (vertical dashed lines). Shown are the 95% CrIs of the estimate of λ (black bars) and the posterior medians (red). (B) Intra-host variation in the exponential growth rate of the VL can lead to a biased estimate of the recrudescence rate λ. Data sets of rebound time series were now simulated from a viral load process with within-host variability of the growth rate Gi (Eq S12 in S1 Text, S5 Fig), using different values of the recrudescence rate and the standard deviation of the viral growth rate (σG, horizontal axis), ranging from 0% to 20% of the most likely growth rate g = 0.5.