Figure 7. Visual contrast sensitivity (CS) mediated by rods is not severely compromised in P23H/Gnat2-/- mice up to 5 months of age.
(A) Mouse contrast sensitivity threshold was tested using an optomotor reflex test and infrared visualization of the mouse head movement and cylindrical neutral density filters around the mouse platform. Contrast sensitivity was compared between RhoWT/P23H/Gnat2-/- and their age-matched Gnat2-/- littermate mice from dim scotopic up to mesopic/photopic conditions at 1 (B), 3 (C), and 5/6 (D) month of age. Smooth lines plot Hill-type Equation 3 fitted to mean data points. *p<0.05, **p<0.005, ***p<0.001, two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s post-hoc test. (Control, 2–3 mo, n = 6 (24); P23H, two mo, n = 11(12); P23H, three mo, n = 6 (13); control, 5–6 mo, n = 9 (17); P23H, five mo, n = 4 (25); P23H, six mo, n = 3 (5) mice(experiments)).