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. 2020 Sep 22;9:e59422. doi: 10.7554/eLife.59422

Table 1. Ex vivo ERG parameters.

I1/2, photons (505 nm) per flash/µm2 from fitting Equation 1 to photoreceptor (pharmacologically isolated) and bipolar cell (subtracted) amplitude data; Rmax, maximum amplitude measured at plateau of the photoreceptor response and at the peak of the bipolar cell component in response to bright flash (~15,000 photons µm−2); RPR,1/2, photoreceptor response amplitude required for half-maximal bipolar cell response as determined by fitting Equation 2 to RPR – RBC amplitude data. C57 background: Control, one mo, n = 4; P23H, one mo, n = 4; three mo, n = 3; five mo, n = 4 mice/retinas; Gnat2-/- background: Pooled control, 1–6 mo, n = 7 (11); P23H, one mo, n = 4 (6); five mo, n = 11(18); six mo, n = 2 (4) mice(retinas). *p<0.05, **p<0.005, ***p<0.001 in comparison to control data, two-tailed t-test. All data mean ± SEM.

Photoreceptors Bipolar cells
Genotype/age I1/2 (hn/µm2) Rmax (µV) I1/2 (hn/µm2) Rmax (µV) RPR,1/2 (µV)
1 month Control P23H/C57 74 ± 18 410 ± 20 24 ± 8 1,120 ± 203 76 ± 9
1 month P23H/C57 78 ± 10 242 ± 29** 15 ± 2 1,152 ± 40 29 ± 6**
3 month P23H/C57 98 ± 13 138 ± 24*** 71 ± 30 547 ± 74* 39 ± 1*
5 month P23H/C57 285 ± 83* 81 ± 7*** 72 ± 7* 388 ± 14* 24 ± 1**
Pooled Control P23H/Gnat2 104 ± 17 545 ± 76 33 ± 12 830 ± 160 68 ± 9
1 month P23H/Gnat2 230 ± 40** 238 ± 37** 48 ± 6 670 ± 80 38 ± 6*
5 month P23H/Gnat2 214 ± 32* 176 ± 21*** 42 ± 5 540 ± 50 28 ± 4***
6 month P23H/Gnat2 339 ± 47*** 54 ± 8*** 88 ± 9** 220 ± 20** 13 ± 2***