A) Rewards earned for individual mice from
Figure 4E. Horizontal white line: acquisition threshold, when a mouse began to earn ~20 rewards consistently in Training. (
B) Incorrect nose pokes for individual mice from
Figure 4F. (
C) Optical stimulation of ChAT
+ NBM-BLA terminal fibers (ChR2-expressing mice, blue squares) had a similar effect on rewards earned during Training in male mice compared to female mice. Mean ± SEM, EYFP: n = 7, ChR2: n = 7. Horizontal white line: acquisition threshold, when a mouse began to earn ~20 rewards consistently in Training. (
D) Optical stimulation of ChAT
+ NBM-BLA terminal fibers (ChR2-expressing mice, blue squares) had a similar effect on incorrect nose pokes during Training in male mice compared to female mice. Mean ± SEM, EYFP: n = 7, ChR2: n = 7. (
E) Individual data for graph shown in C. (
F) Individual data for graph shown in D.