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. 2020 Sep 18;382(1):15–45. doi: 10.1007/s00441-020-03253-2

Table 1.

Somato-dendritic release of BDNF

Site Ref. Species / type of preparation Method Release stimulus Pharmacology / molecular mechanism / time course of BDNF release
Somato-dendritic release of BDNF
Wilson Horch et al. 1999 Organotypic slices Postsynaptic BDNF-myc; TrkB-IgG postsynaptic BDNF overexpression alters density and stability of spines
Hartmann et al. 2001 Rat; hippocampal cultures

Live cell imaging,


Elevated extracellular K+

Reduced by: TTX; 0mM Ca2+; 2 mM Cd2+/2 mM Ni2+;

Not affecetd: APV, DNQX, LY 341495 (mGluR antagonist)

HFS Reduced by: APV, DNQX
Kojima et al. 2001 Rat; hippocampal cultures Live cell imaging BDNF-GFP Elevated extracellular K+ Reduced by: TTX
Brigadski et al. 2005 Rat; hippocampal cultures Live cell imaging BDNF-GFP Elevated extracellular K+

Dependency of release kinetics on intragranular pH

Comparison of neurotrophin and neurotransmitter release kinetics

Arancibia et al. 2007 Adult rat; push pull perfusion + ELISA ELISA Intra supraoptic nucleus osmotic stimulation (1M NaCl for 10 min) In vivo measurement of endogenous BDNF secretion
Kolarow et al. 2007 Rat; hippocampal cultures Live cell imaging BDNF-GFP Elevated extracellular K+

Kiss and run fusion events

Reduced by: 0 mM Ca2+; nifedipine; thapsigargine; CPA; ryanodine; KN-93; KN-62; Rp-cAMP

Not affected by: TTX; KN-92; 8-Br-cAMP; K252a

Kuczewski et al. 2008 Rat; hippocampal cultures Live cell imaging BDNF-GFP Depolarizations

Reduced by: GDPβS; Cd2+

Not affected by: QX314 (Na+ channel blocker)

bAP (8 b-APs at 5 Hz)

Reduced by: QX314 (Na+ channel blocker); Cd2+

Not affected by: thapsigargine

4-AP (10 min - blocker of Kv1) Reduced by: NBQX +APV + bicuculline; TTX
Dean et al. 2009

Rat: E18-20

Mice: P1-3; neuronal cultures

Live cell imaging BDNF-pHluorin Elevated extracellular K+

Increased after syt-IV knockout;

Reduced after syt-IV overexpression

Dendritic BDNF release regulates EPSC amplitude

Fiorentino et al. 2009 Rat; hippocampal culture Live cell imaging BDNF-GFP Baclofen (10μM for 500sec - significant after 5 min application)

Reduced by: CGP55845 (GABAB-receptor antagonist); Cd2+;

Not affected by: NBQX, APV, bicuculline

Matsuda et al. 2009 Rat E18-20, neuronal cultures Live cell imaging BDNF-GFP HFS field stimulation

Reduced by: CNQX, APV; CNQX; APV; nimodipine; Cd2+

Not affected by: bafilomycin; dynasore; K252a

Loose patch stimulation

Reduced by: nimodipine

Not affected by:CNQX + APV; CNQX; APV

TBS Highest efficacy of BDNF release
Wit et al. 2009 Mouse; cortical culture; Live cell imaging BDNF-sp-pHluorin Elevated extracellular K+ Transient and persistent release (deposit)
Xia et al. 2009 Rat; Hippocampal Cultures Live cell imaging BDNF-GFP Elevated extracellular K+

Kiss and run fusion events; Release probability in soma is higher than in neurites; Onset of release in soma is delayed in neurites compared to soma

Blocked by verapamil (L-Type VGCC)

Not affected by conotoxin (N/Q-Type); agatoxin (P-type)

Yang et al. 2009 Xenopus; neuron myocte coculture selective knockdown of BDNF Repetitive depolarization of myocyte Transsynaptic action of proBDNF ➔ p75 activation ➔ synaptic retraction
Jakawich et al. 2010 Rat; hippocampal cultures TrkB-IgG; BDNF knockdown Inhibition of AMPAR (3h) Transcription dependent postsynaptic BDNF release mediates presynaptic increase in mEPSC frequency
Waterhouse et al. 2012 Mouse; hippocampal cultures Dendritic myc-IR potassium long 3′ UTR controls dendritic localization of BDNF mRNA
Adachi et al. 2013 Rat; cortical cultures and acute cortical slices



Basal secretion

Reduced by PCP (1μM for 6h) (NMDAR blocker)

➔ although increased somatic and dendritic accumulation of BDNF

Glutamate (15 min) Reduced by: TTX
Leschik et al. 2013 Embryonic stem cell derived neurons

Live cell imaging



extracellular K+

Similar release properties of BDNF–GFP in ESC-derived neurons and transiently transfected hippocampal neurons
Petoukhov et al. 2013 Rat; hippocampal cultures Live cell imaging 4-AP

BDNF is localized in progranulin positive vesicles in dendrites and axons

Release reduced by: Ca-free solution; CdCl2

Kolarow et al. 2014 Rat; hippocampal cultures Live cell imaging potassium

Reduced by SNP (NO-donor)

Not affected by: L-NMMA (NOS-inhibitor)

Lu et al. 2014 Rat; hippocampal slices; embryonic hippocampal cultures TrkB-IgG; live cell imaging (BDNF-GFP) Timing: bAPs + iontophoretic glutamate pulses

No release by bAPs or iontophoretic glutamate alone

Reduced by: APV

Edelmann et al. 2015 Organotypic slice; hippocampal slices Live cell imaging 20 Hz + 8-Br-cAMP
Elevated K+
Shimojo et al. 2015 Cortical cultures Live cell imaging; BDNF-pHluorin Elevated extracellular K+

Axonal and dendritic BDNF-containing vesicles are localized to Syb2, SNAP25 and SNAP47

Full vesicle collapse is reduced in SNAP 47 kd cultures

Partial vesicle collapse is reduced in axons of SNAP 47 kd cultures

Wong et al. 2015 Neuronal culture BDNF-quantum dots TBS Axonal and dendritic localization of endocytosed BDNF-QD reduced by Cd2+; CNQX; APV; CNQX + APV; syt-6 siRNA; Complexin siRNA

Increased after syt4-siRNA

Not affected by syt6-siRNA

Baj et al. 2016 Rat; hippocampal neurons ELISA Potassium (3h)

Translation-dependent BDNF increase

Release reduced by: cycloheximide

Eckenstaler et al. 2016 Rat; hippocampal cultures; P0-P3, DIV 11-13; BDNF-GFP Live cell imaging BDNF-GFP Elevated extracellular K+


Increase of intragranular pH from 5.8 to 6.7

Reduced incidence of fusion events from 20 % to 10 %

Decreased amount of released BDNF per vesicle

Not affected: cytosolic pH

Inhibition of V-ATPase:

reduced incidence for fusion events and

reduced BDNF content release

Harward et al. 2016 Cortical cultures; organotyipic slice TrkB-IgG; live cell imaging; postsynaptic BDNF deletion Glutamate uncaging

Reduced by APV; APV + NBQX; CN21 (inhibitor of CAMKII)

Not affected by: NBQX

Henry et al. 2018 Rat; hippocampal cultures BDNF knockdown Inhibition of AMPAR (3h) mTor dependent translation of postsynaptic BDNF release mediates presynaptic increase in mEPSC frequency
Lin et al. 2018 Hippocampal slice Deletion of BDNF in CA1 region 100 Hz-HFS “Postsynaptic release”: LTP maintenance + increase in presynaptic release probability
Brigadski et al. 2019 Rat; hippocampal cultures Live cell imaging Elevated extracellular K+ comparable release kinetics in response to high potassium depolarization vs. electrophysiological stimulation
Leschik et al. 2019 BDNF-GFP-knockin mouse, hippocampal cultures, expression regulated by endogenous BDNF promotor Live cell imaging BDNF-GFP Elevated extracellular K+

Identical release properties of endogenous BDNF–GFP and overexpressed BDNF-GFP

20 % fusion events

60 % content release

Max. of fusion events within 20 s of stimulation; fusion events at 100 s still prominent

Persoon et al. 2019 Neuronal cultures Live cell imaging Elevated K+ Rab3a, RIM1/2, Munc13 localized to BDNF-containing granules
BDNF release from axons
Kohara et al. 2001 Mouse, cortical cultures GFP-IR Analysis of somatic BDNF-GFP Endocytosis

Increased by: picrotoxin for 48 hours

Reduced by: TTX (48 h); TrkB IgG (48 h)

Zakharenko et al. 2003 Hippocampal slice Deletion of BDNF 200Hz-HFS
Dean et al. 2009

Rat: E18-20

Mice: P1-3

Live cell imaging; BDNF-pHluorin Potassium

Increased after syt-IV knockout;

Reduced after syt-IV overexpression

Regulation of mEPSC frequency

Matsuda et al. 2009 Rat, E18-20; neuronal cultures Live cell imaging; BDNF-pHluorin TBS transient fusion pore opening
50Hz (3min) or TBS (36 trains) Induction of net BDNF release
Field stimulation

Analysis of transient fusion events

Reduced by: Bafilomycin; Dynasore; Cd2+

Not affected by K252a, TrkB-Fc; CNQX, APV; CNQX; APV; nimodipine

Loose patch stimulation

Analysis of transient fusion events

Not affected by: nimodipine; CNQX, APV; CNQX; APV

Shinoda et al. 2011 Mouse; hippocampal culture Live cell imaging; BDNF-pHluorin Potassium

Increased after: CAPS2 transfection

Reduced after : CAPS2 knockout

Sadakata et al. 2012 Mouse, hippocampal granule cell cultur GFP-IR Potassium Reduced after : CAPS2 with deletion of exon3
Petoukhov et al. 2013 Rat; hippocampal cultures Live cell imaging 4-AP

BDNF is localized to progranulin positive granules in dendrites and axons

Release reduced by: Ca-free solution; CdCl

Shimojo et al. 2015 Cortical culture; P1 Live cell imaging; BDNF-pHluorin Potassium

Axonal and dendritic BDNF-containing vesicles are localized to Syb2, SNAP25 and SNAP47

Full vesicle collapse is reduced in SNAP 47 kd cultures

partial vesicle collapse is reduced in axons of SNAP 47 kd cultures

Lin et al. 2018 Hippocampal slice; Deletion of BDNF in CA3 100Hz-HFS “presynaptic release”: LTP-induction + LTP maintenance + increase in presynaptic release probability
Park 2018 Mouse; corticostriatal slice BDNF-pHluorin TBS

reduced by APV (presynaptic NMDAR); CPA (depletion of internal Calcium store); requires GluN1 subunit

not affected by dopamine

HFS without Mg2+ in extracellular solution reduced by APV
Persoon et al. 2019 Neuronal culture Live cell imaging Potassium Rab3a, RIM1/2, Munc13 localized to BDNF-containing granules

List of references for somatic and dendritic release of BDNF. 4-AP 4, amino-pyridine; A2AR, adenosine A2A receptor; , amyloid-β; ACPD, 1-amino-1,3 dicarboxy cyclopentane; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; Br-cAMP, brom-adenosine 3′5′-cyclic monophosphate; CAMKII, Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II; CAPS, calcium-activated protein for secretion; CNQX, 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione; D-APV, D(−)-2- amino-5-phosphonovalerate; DIV, days in vitro; E, embryonic day; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; EP2, prostaglandin E receptor subtype2; GABABR, g aminobutyric acid; HFS, high-frequency stimulation; ITI, intertrain-interval; IP3, inositol triphosphate; IR, immunreactivity; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; NaV, voltage-gated sodium channel; NBQX, 2,3-dihydroxy-6- nitro-7-sulfamoyl-benzo(F)quinoxaline; NMDAR, N-methyl d-aspartate receptor; P, postnatal day; P2XR, P2X purino receptor; p38MAPK, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase; PAR1-AP, protease-activated receptor activating peptide, PCP, phenylcyclidine; PKA, protein kinase A; PKC, protein Kinase C.; PLC, phospholipase C; SpH, superecliptic pHluorin; syt-IV, synaptotagmin-IV; TBS, theta-burst stimulation; TTX, tetrodotoxin; VGCC, voltage-gated calcium channels; TRPC, transient receptor potential channel

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