Figure 3.
A. The bilateral entorhinal cortex (EC) and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC/mOFC), pTFCE<0.05 corrected within a small volume ROI encode the Euclidean distance from the hub (H2) to F1 in the 2-D social space (EH2F1). Whole-brain parametric analyses showing neural correlates of each of the distance metrics that could theoretically drive inferences between pairs at the time of decisions (F2 presentation). D: 1-D rank distance in the task-relevant dimension (DH2F1 and DF1F2); L: the shortest link distance between F1 and F2 (L equals to DH2F1+1); I: the 1-D rank distance in the task-irrelevant dimension (IH2F1 and IF1F2); A: the cosine vector angle (AH2F1 and AF1F2). For visualization purposes, the whole-brain maps are thresholded at p<0.005 uncorrected. B. The results of Bayesian model selection (BMS). The exceedance probabilities revealed that the Euclidean distance from the hub (EH2F1) best accounted for variance in both EC and vmPFC/mOFC activity compared to the other distance measures, providing evidence that these regions compute or reflect a Euclidean distance metric to a retrieved hub (H2) in abstract space in order to infer the relationship between F1 and F2. C. Conjunction analysis shown in purple revealed that both DH2F1 and IH2F1 are reflected in the vmPFC/mOFC and the EC bilaterally. D. The effect of DH2F1 does not differ from IH2F1 in the EC or vmPFC/mOFC, even at a lenient threshold (p>0.1), suggesting that these areas assign equal or similar weights to DH2F1 and IH2F1, consistent with activity reflecting EH2F1, during decision-making.