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. 2020 Oct 1;15(4):189–193. doi: 10.2185/jrm.2020-031

Table 2. Characteristics of patients with tumors of known origin.

No. Age Sex Level of paralysis Initialsymptom Durationfrom initial symptomto paralysis(months) Tokuhashi’sscore Surgicalstrategy Operativetime(min) Estimatedblood loss (ML) Perioperative complications Primarydiagnosis Survivalperiod(months)
1 51 F T9 Back pain 0 9 PF 201 235 - Thyroid cancer 14
2 57 F T10 Back pain 5 1 PDF 175 200 - Lung cancer 9
3 48 M T3 Numbness of the leg 0 4 PDF 206 130 - Lung cancer 8
4 26 M T9 Back pain 0.5 7 PD 147 100 - Testis cancer 30
5 65 F T1 Para paralysis 0 8 PF 355 430 - Thyroid cancer 9
6 74 F T4 Back pain 1 7 PDF 237 350 - Breast cancer 13
7 57 M T5 Back pain 1.5 8 PDF 257 190 - Thyroid cancer 7
8 66 M T7 Gaitdisturbance 0 5 PF 264 600 - Lung cancer 6
9 62 F T10 Back pain 0.5 7 PDF 339 384 - Cervical cancer 5
10 71 F T7 Gaitdisturbance 0 6 PDF 227 92 - Malignant melanoma 2
11 42 M C3 Neck pan 1 7 PDF 428 345 Urinary tract infection Adenoid cystic carcinoma 5
12 39 F T3 Back pain 2 4 PDF 379 4,100 - Angiosarcoma of the breast 2
13 82 F T5 Back pain 1 8 PD 195 690 - Breast cancer 15
14 64 M T3 Back pain 7 3 PDF 232 690 Surgical site infection Lung cancer 12
15 15 M T2 Back pain 3 7 PDF 424 583 - Renal cell carcinoma 4

Mean 55 2.3 6.1 271 608 9.4

PD: posterior decompression; PDF: posterior decompression with instrumented fusion; PF: posterior fusion.