Receipt and timeliness of routine childhood vaccines among school children aged 6–7 years with vaccination cards—Solomon Islands, 2016. The window for timely vaccination is indicated in the shaded area on each graph. BCG – Bacille Calmette Guerin (tuberculosis vaccine; timely vaccination defined as within 4 weeks of age); HepB-BD – Hepatitis B vaccine birth dose (timely vaccination defined as within 24 hours of birth); OPV – oral polio virus vaccine (timely vaccination defined as within 6–8 weeks for dose 1, within 10–12 weeks for dose 2, and within 14–16 weeks for dose 3); Penta – pentavalent vaccine, which includes diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, and H. influenzae type b vaccines (timely vaccination defined as within wihin 6–8 weeks for dose 1, within 10–12 weeks for dose 2, and within 14–16 weeks for dose 3); MCV1 – measles containing vaccine dose 1 (timely vaccination defined as within 12–15 months); % – percent.