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. 2020 Oct 1;25(39):1900591. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.39.1900591

Table. Type of data reported automatically to national surveillance databases, 14 EU/EEA countries with automated laboratory-based surveillance capability, December 2018.

Data type Number of countries reporting on automated basis
(n = 14)
Laboratory test data
Type of clinical specimen tested 13
Type of diagnostic test performed 10
Number of clinical specimens tested 6
Number of diagnostic tests performed 3
Positive diagnostic test results 12
Quantitative diagnostic test results (e.g. serology results, NAT results) 6
Negative diagnostic test results 4
Patient demographic data
Age 14
Sex 14
Place of residence 13
Clinical and epidemiological data
Clinical diagnosis 8
Underlying disease 4
Treatments 3
Vaccination status 7
Date of onset of disease 9
Community/healthcare-associated disease 6
Travel history 9

EU/EEA: European Union/European Economic Area; NAT: nucleic acid amplification testing.