—Phylogenetic and diversity analyses based on whole-genome SNPs identified by
resequencing and mapping to the C genome and B genome reference sequences. Species
group abbreviations are as follows: Oo1, O. officinalis group 1
(Malesian); Oo2, O. officinalis group 2 (S.E. Asian); Oe1,
O. eichingeri group 1; Oe2, O. eichingeri group 2;
Or, O. rhizomatis; Op, O. punctata (diploid); OpS1,
tetraploid O. punctata (schweinfurthiana) group 1; OpS2, tetraploid
O. punctata (schweinfurthiana) group 2; Om,
O. minuta; Oal, O. alta; Ola,
O. latifolia; Ogr, O. grandiglumis. Taxa labeled
with yellow circles are allotetraploids. (A) Maximum-likelihood tree
based on mapping of all Oryza C genome containing accessions to the
O. officinalis reference. The procedure in Lee et al. (2014) was followed to obtain a representative
SNP set and compute a maximum-likelihood tree. Colored bars indicate the group
assignments obtained in fastStructure and admixture analysis with cluster number set
at K = 4. (B) Maximum-likelihood tree based on
mapping of all Oryza B genome containing accessions to the
O. punctata reference. A representative SNP set and
maximum-likelihood tree was obtained using the same procedure as for