The Phase II to III transition was affected by DN-Rac1 overexpression in L4 glutamatergic neurons. A, Schematic of experiments. For DN-Rac1, Flpe-based Supernova-GCaMP6s, CAG-ERT2CreERT2, and CAG-LSL-DN-Rac1 vectors were co-transfected into TCA-RFP mouse by IUE. B, Representative examples of in vivo calcium transients at P11. Scale bar, 100 μm. See also Movie 3. C, Pairwise ROI correlation matrices. D, Raster plots and activity histograms. Dashed lines in activity histograms indicate chance rate (p = 0.01). E, Frequency of neuronal firing events was similar between Tam control and DN-Rac1 mice. F, The ratio of synchronized events (> chance rate) to total firing events was higher in DN-Rac1 than Tam control. G, In average, 53 ± 17% (mean ± SD) of ROIs were fired in individual synchronized events in DN-Rac1 mice, while, 32 ± 8% in Tam control. **p < 0.01.