(A) Total fecundity (larvae+eggs) of females obtained from stocks and placed in untreated (“control”) vs. UV treated flour for 24 h, 48 h, 96 h or 7 d in wheat, or three novel resources (corn, finger millet, and sorghum). For the 24 h assay, sorghum was tested in an independent experimental block, with a separate wheat control; hence, it is shown as a separate figure. We included two independent experimental blocks for the 7d trial. (B) Offspring survival (average survival from eggs isolated in two 96-well plates per flour per treatment). (C) Total fecundity (larvae+eggs) of females obtained from stocks and placed in untreated (“control”) vs. antibiotic-treated flour (wheat or sorghum) for 48 hrs. In the first two panels, antibiotic concentrations are 0.005% w/w. Boxplots and raw data are as described in Fig 4; n = 25 females/treatment. Small black asterisks indicate a significant difference between control and treated resources; large coloured asterisks indicate a significant different between control for wheat vs. control for a novel resource. For statistical analysis, see S3 Table.