Fig. 1. Comparison of 5d6s and 4f spin dynamics in Gadolinium and Terbium.
Upper panels: Orbital-resolved spin model. The yellow arrows represent the energy flow from the laser-excited electrons into the lattice (Gep) and to the 5d and 4f spin systems. Note the different 4f spin–to–lattice couplings α4f in (A) Tb (J = L + S = 6, L = 3) and (B) Gd (J = S = 7/2, L = 0). In contrast, inter- and intra-atomic exchange constants (Jij and Jintra) are of comparable magnitude. Lower panels: Illustration of 5d6s and 4f spin dynamics about 1 ps after laser excitation. While in (B), the 4f spins (yellow arrows) are strongly excited by lattice motions and tilted with respect to Mz, in (A), they remain cold and aligned along the magnetization direction Mz. The 5d6s spins (red arrows) are additionally coupled to the optically excited valence electrons α5d and thus quiver around the 4f moments.