Table A1. Search strategies.
Database | Search terms |
Pubmed | (‘COVID-19’ [All Fields] OR ‘COVID-2019’ [All Fields] OR ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’ [Supplementary Concept] OR ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’ [All Fields] OR ‘2019-nCoV’ [All Fields] OR ‘SARS-CoV-2’ [All Fields] OR ‘2019nCoV’ [All Fields] OR (‘coronavirus’ [MeSH Terms] OR ‘coronavirus’[All Fields])) AND (‘neoplasms’ [MeSH Terms] OR ‘neoplasms’ [All Fields] OR ‘cancer’ [All Fields])) AND (‘drug therapy’ [Subheading] OR (‘drug’ [All Fields] AND ‘therapy’ [All Fields]) OR ‘drug therapy’ [All Fields] OR ‘chemotherapy’ [All Fields] OR ‘drug therapy’ [MeSH Terms] OR (‘drug’ [All Fields] AND ‘therapy’ [All Fields]) OR ‘chemotherapy’ [All Fields] OR (‘immunotherapy’ [MeSH Terms] OR ‘immunotherapy’ [All Fields])OR MANAG*) |
Embase | (‘COVID 19’/exp OR ‘COVID 19’ OR ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’/exp OR ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’ OR ‘COVID 2019’ OR ‘2019 ncov’ OR ‘sars cov 2’ OR 2019ncov OR ‘coronavirus’/exp OR coronavirus) AND ((‘neoplasm’/exp OR neoplasm) OR (‘cancer’/exp OR cancer)) AND ((‘drug’/exp OR drug) AND (‘therapy’/exp OR therapy) OR ‘chemotherapy’/exp OR chemotherapy OR ‘immunotherapy’/exp OR immunotherapy OR manag*) |
Web of Science | ALL = (COVID-19 OR COVID-2019 OR ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’ OR 2019-ncov OR coronavirus ) AND ALL = (neoplasms OR cancer) AND ALL= (‘drug therapy’ OR chemotherapy OR immunotherapy OR manag*) |
Central | (COVID-19 in All Text OR COVID-2019 in All Text OR ‘severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2’ in All Text OR coronavirus in All Text) AND (neoplasms in All Text OR cancer in All Text) AND (‘drug therapy’ in All Text OR chemotherapy in All Text OR immunotherapy in All Text OR MANAG$ in All Text) |
Abbreviation: Central = Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials.