Fig. 3. Profile and verification of PMP-containing miRNAs.
a Venn diagrams were generated for the highly expressed miRNAs in all five subjects. b Heatmaps of the highly expressed miRNA contents of the PMPs from five different donors are shown. c Relative expression of the 25 most abundant miRNAs in the PMPs was analyzed by qPCR. miRNA expression is shown relative to miR-4454 (top panel) and the cell number (bottom panel) (n = 3 donors) d The cells were transfected with 7 miRNA mimics sorted from the expression profile and cultured in medium containing 1 nM PMA to induce megakaryocytic differentiation. The impact of miRNA overexpression on these megakaryocytic cell lines was determined by FCM. Altered expression of the miRNAs influenced the expression of the MK integrins CD41 and CD61 (n = 3 independent experiments, one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s test, NC as control). e Relative expression of the 6 selected miRNAs in mouse platelets (left) and PMPs (right) 2 days after CCl4 injection was analyzed by qPCR. miRNA expression is shown relative to the platelet or PMP number (n = 9 mice). f qPCR analysis of miR-1915-3p expression in BM-nucleated cells of the ALI mouse (n = 9 mice). All data are shown as the mean ± S.D from two-tailed unpaired-samples t-tests unless otherwise specified. P-values. Source data are provided as a Source Data file *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.