Fig. 5. Detergents and phospholipids associated with the purified LH1-RC complex.
a Tentatively assigned DDM molecules (green sticks) in the LH1 outer ring. b Expanded view of a putative DDM-binding site showing the interactions with the residues in LH1 α- (gray) and β- (blue) polypeptides. All distances are in ångströms. c Phospholipid distribution in LH1-RC viewed from the periplasmic side of the membrane with the special pair (sp) positioned at the center. CL: cyan; PG: magenta. The pigment and quinone (UQ and MQ) molecules in the RC (hemes in the C-subunit were omitted for clarity) and the LH1 polypeptides are colored in gray. d Side view of the phospholipid distribution along the presumed membrane planes. Same color scheme as in c. The LH1 complex was omitted for clarity.