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. 2020 Sep 8;37:29. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2020.37.29.25174

Table 1.

sociodemographic characteristics of study participants and willingness to pay for mobile phone-based diabetic health services (n=259)

Variables Willingness to pay Total P-value
Yes, n=188 No, n=71 n=259
Gender male 73(28.2) 17(6.6) 90(34.7) 0.025
Female 115(44.4) 54(20.8) 169(65.3)
Age groups less than 30 4(1.5) 2(0.8) 6(2.3) 0.061
30-44 13(5.0) 8(3.1) 21(8.1)
45-54 43(16.6) 6(2,3) 49(18.9)
55-64 46(17.8) 15(5.8) 61(23.6)
65 and above 82(31.7) 40(15.4) 122(47.1)
Address urban 113(43.6) 33(12.7) 146(56.4) 0.117
Semi-urban 40(15.4) 18(6.9) 58(22.4)
Rural 35(13.5) 20(7.7) 55(21.2)
Occupation civil servant 38(14.7) 9(3.5) 47(18.1) 0.191
Public servant 12(4.6) 4(1.5) 16(6.2)
Farmer 9(3.5) 2(0.8) 11(4.2)
Artisan 22(8.5) 17(6.6) 39(15.1)
Retiree 54(20.8) 21(8.1) 75(29.0)
Others 53(20.5) 18(6.9) 71(27.4)
Tribe Yoruba 178(68.7) 69(26.6) 247(95.4) 0.715
Igbo 7(2.7) 1(0.4) 8(3.1)
Hausa 1(0.4) 0(0.0) 1(0.4)
Others 2(0.8) 1(0.4) 3(1.2)
Religion christianity 164(63.3) 64(24.7) 228(88.0) 0.520
Islam 24(9.3) 7(2.7) 31(12.0)
Marital status married 151(58.3) 44(17.0) 195(75.3) 0.036
Single 4(1.5) 3(1.2) 7(2.7)
Divorced 1(0.4%) 1(0.4%) 2(0.8)
Separated 1(0.4) 0(0.0) 1(0.4)
Widow 31(12.0) 23(8.9) 54(20.8)
Level of education none 23(8.9) 12(4.6) 35(13.5) 0.040
Primary 34(13.1) 20(7.7) 54(20.8)
Secondary 30(11.6) 14(5.4) 44(17.0)
Tertiary 101(39.0) 25(9.7) 126(48.6)
Ave monthly income less than 20000 73(28.2) 36(13.9) 109(42.1) 0.280
20000-50000 59(22.8) 21(8.1) 80(30.9)
51000-100000 37(14.3) 10(3.9) 47(18.1)
Above 100000 19(7.3) 4(1.5) 23(8.9)
Type of DM Type 1 8(3.1) 0(0.0) 8(3.1) 0.077
Type 2 180(69.5) 71(27.4) 251(96.9)
Duration of DM below 5 years 77(29.7) 41(15.8) 118(45.6) 0.049
6-10 years 53(20.5) 20(7.7) 73(28.2)
11-15 years 33(12.7) 4(1,5) 37(14.3)
16-20 years 15(5.8) 3(1,2) 18(6.9)
Above 20 years 10(3.9) 3(1.2) 13(5.0)
Mode of Treatment OHA 110(42.5) 49(18.9) 159(61.4) 0.166
OHA+ insulin 46(7.8) 16(6.2) 62(23.9)
Insulin 32(12.4) 6(2.3) 38(14.7)
Access to mobile Yes 185(71.4) 67(25.9) 252(97.3) 0.074
No 3(1.2) 4(1,5) 7(2.7)
Phone type: basic(feature) phone 107(42.5) 47(18.6) 154(61.1) 0.181
Smart phone 76(30.2) 22(8.7) 98(38.9)
Can you read SMS Yes 140(55.6) 47(18.7) 187(74.3) 0.248
No 43(17.1) 22(8.5) 65(25.7)
Duration of phone use below 5 years 44(17.5) 26(10.4) 70(27.9) 0.075
6-10 years 48(19.0) 21(8.3) 69(27.3)
11-15 years 39(15.5) 9(3.5) 48(19.1)
16-20 years 32(12.7) 7(2.7) 39(15.4)
Above 20 years 20(7.9) 6(2.3) 26(10.3)