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. 2020 Sep 8;37:29. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2020.37.29.25174

Table 2.

comparison of sociodemographic characteristics between male and female participants on access to mobile phone (n=259)

Variables Access to mobile Total P-value
Male, n=88 Female, n=164 n=252
Age groups 29 and below 3(1.2) 3(1.2) 6(2.3) 0.569
30-44 5(1.9) 16(6.2) 21(8.1)
45-54 16(6.2) 32(12.7) 48(18.9)
55-64 19(7.3) 41(16.2) 60(23.6)
65 and above 47(18.1) 70(29.0) 117(47.1)
Address urban 56(21.6) 86(34.7) 142(56.4) 0.143
Semi-urban 21(8.1) 34(14.3) 55(22.4)
Rural 13(5.0) 42(16.2) 55(21.2)
Occupation civil servant 18(6.9) 29(11.2) 47(18.1) 0.750
Public servant 6(2.3) 10(3.9) 16(6.2)
Farmer 3(1.2) 8(3.1) 11(4.2)
Artisan 11(4.2) 28(10.8) 39(15.1)
Retiree 30(11.6) 45(17.4) 75(29.0)
Others 22(8.5) 49(18.9) 71(27.4)
Marital status married 77(29.7) 118(45.6) 195(75.3) 0.012
Single 4(1.5) 3(1.2) 7(2.7)
Divorced 0(0.0) 2(0.8) 2(0.8)
Separated 0(0.0) 1(0.4) 1(0.4)
Widow 9(3.5) 45(17.4) 54(20.8)
Level of Education None 6(2.3) 29(11.2) 35(13.5) 0.015
Primary 15(5.8) 39(15.1) 54(20.8)
Secondary 14(5.4) 30(11.6) 44(17.0)
Tertiary 55(21.2) 71(27.4) 126(48.6)
Average monthly income
Less than 20000 29(11.2) 80(30.9) 109(42.1) 0.001
20000-50000 30(11.6) 50(19.3) 80(30.9)
51000-100000 15(5.8) 32(12.4) 47(18.1)
Above 100000 16(6.2) 7(2.7) 23(8.9)
Type of DM Type 1 4(1.5) 4(1.5) 8(3.1) 0.357
Type 2 86(33.2) 165(63.7) 251(96.9)
Duration of DM below 5 years 40(15.4) 78(30.1) 118(45.6) 0.299
6-10 years 23(8.9) 50(19.3) 73(28.2)
11-15 years 16(6.2) 21(8.1) 37(14.3)
16-20 years 4(1.5) 14(5.4) 18(6.9)
Above 20 years 7(2.7) 6(2.3) 13(5.0)
Type of phone owned
Ordinary(feature) phone 48(19.0) 103(40.9) 151(59.9) 0.202
Smart phone 40(15.4) 61(23.6) 101(40.1)
Duration of phone use below 5 years 19(7.3) 53(20.5) 72(27.8) 0.042
6-10 years 20(7.7) 51(19.7) 71(27.4)
11-15 years 19(7.3) 30(11.6) 49(18.9)
16-20 years 21(8.1) 19(7.3) 40(15.4)
Above 20 years 11(4.2) 16(6.2) 27(10.4)
Preferred mode of mobile communication: voice call 27(10.4) 80(30.9) 107(41.3) 0.105
SMS 36(13.9) 48(18.5) 84(32.4)
Both 22(8.5) 34(13.1) 56(21.6)
E-mail 2(0.8) 2(0.8) 4(1.5)
Social media 3(1.2) 5(1.9) 8(3.1)
Preferred language native language 24(9.3) 67(25.9) 91(35.1) 0.015
English 38(14.7) 43(16.6) 81(31.3)
Both 28(10.8) 59(22.8) 87(33.6)