Figure 4.
Forest plot of VAS score of EA and MA at 1- to 3-month follow-up. Forest plot of comparison: acupuncture (EA + PT exercise, MA + PT, MA + ESWT) versus control (PT + ESWT, PT exercise, IFE + PT exercise). Outcome: VAS score [1–10]. Follow-up time: [26] 1 month, [23] 1.5 months, [19] 2 months, and [22] 3 months. ∗Sensitivity analysis found that when excluding [19] from the analysis, the heterogeneity: tau2 = 0.12; chi2 = 3.34, df = 2 (P=0.19); I2 = 40%, test for overall effect: Z = 1.36 (P=0.17).