Fig. 6.
Co-occurrence analysis between unicellular Holozoa OTUs and animal classes from Tara Oceans. (A) Heatmap representing the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (ρ). The ichthyosporean symbiont Creolimax fragrantissima had the strongest correlation coefficient (ρS=0.6–0.8, P < 0.01**) with several animal phyla, suggesting a wider diversity of animal hosts in which this organism can dwell. Full heatmap can be found in supplementary figure 4A, Supplementary Material online. (B) Network depicting other possible associations, besides monotonic and linear. The environmental clades marine ichthyosporea 1 (MAIP1) and marine opisthokonta 2 (MAOP2) were connected with several animal phyla, suggesting nonexclusive free-living lifestyles, or coincidence due to the use of same ecological resources. Full network can be found in supplementary figure 4B, Supplementary Material online.