Deletion of ScCsoR decreased intracellular sulfane sulfur and decreased both ACT production and spore formation.
A. Growth and sulfane sulfur production of S. coelicolor M145. The dry weight of mycelia (mg/plate) was quantified and used to represent the growth curve of S. coelicolor M145. For comparison, equal amount spores of wt, ΔSccsoR and ΔSccsoR:: SccsoR strains were inoculated on YBP agar medium and cultured at 30 °C for 84 h. Intracellular sulfane sulfur of S. coelicolor M145 strains was detected using both SSP4 and HPLC. Low SSP4 fluorescence indicated low sulfane sulfur concentration in the cells. Data were from three independent repeats and shown as average ± SD.
B. The ΔSccsoR strain showed lower ACT production and spore formation than wt and ΔScpdo strains. Photographs were taken from reverse and front sides of the plates.