Figure 6.
The antiproliferation of the Ziyuglycoside II is mediated through the inhibition of autophagy in the colorectal cancer cells. (A). MTT assay of DLD-1 and HCT116 cells were indicated with or without CQ in the presence or absence of Ziyu II. The characteristic images (B) and the quantification of colonies (C) were shown. (D) LDH release assay in cells treated as in (A). (E) The Western blot detected the Akt phosphorylation. (F) After transfecting an empty vector (pECE) or with a constitutively active CA-Akt for 48 h, DLD-1 and HCT116 cells were used for MTT analysis and the colony formation assay in indicated with Ziyu II. Characteristic images (G) and quantification of colonies (H) were shown. All data are means ± SD. *p < 0.05 **p < 0.01.