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. 2020 Sep 11;11:1205. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.01205

Table 2.

Ongoing activities across Africa to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 including dates and examples.

Country Closing Borders/ Travel restrictions Quarantine Measures/ Testing measures Lockdown Measures Sanitary/ PPE measures Directives on Management and misinformation
Algeria 17 March – closure of all land borders 13 March – Partial (capital) – full others with easing after that
Botswana Ongoing restrictions on air travel and strict border controls (20 to 28 March) 14-day quarantine introduced and scientists trained on specimen collection (23 March) Yes – including closure of educational institutions (18 March) and general lockdown measures (2 April) Mandatory use of face masks in public (May 1) Yes – Directive to reduce misinformation with the potential for fines/ prison for abuse
Cameroon 18 March - closure of borders 3 March as well as active surveillance 18 March - including school closures and ban on gatherings Yes- including encouraging hand washing and compulsory face masks in public (18 March onwards) i) Establishing treatment centresii) Encouraging household production of face masks
Democratic Republic of Congo 24 March – closure of all borders and travel (International and domestic) remain suspended (6 June) 3 March – Quarantine measures 31 March – Curfew measures introduced with lockdown measures extended to 15 May (2 May) Yes - Continued campaigns on prevention Instigation Community Action Committees
Egypt 25 March – suspension of incoming passenger flights Yes – early testing of suspected cases 25 March – Night time curfew and other lockdown measures Yes – Increasing public awareness of preventative approaches MoH developed standard treatment protocols
Eswatini(formerly Swaziland) 27 March – Closure of borders 27 March – Mandatory quarantining at borders and contract tracing introduced 27 March – i) Partial lockdown and social distancing introducedii) In addition, reduced numbers in omnibuses Yes – distribution PPE to all health facilities Yes – designating specific COVID-19 hospitals and fines or prison for spreading misinformation (27 March)
Ethiopia Closing borders (22 March) and banning flights to more than 30 countries (20 March) 1 April – First testing labs (Northern Tigray Region) 16 March - closing schools and banning large gatherings 3 April – government and others helping with supply of PPE
Ghana 22 March closure of all borders (quarantining from 16 March) Enhancing testing facilities including suspected cases 16 March - Closure of schools and other measures including restrictions on burials Early April - Mandatory masks in public places in a number of localities and patient education. 15 June - Compulsory masks Dedicated hospitals and Government fast tracking testing of hand sanitisers
Kenya 25 March – suspending air travel and closing borders (mass testing and quarantining before this) Increasing testing facilities with the help of increased local production and mandatory quarantining 13 - 19 March – lockdown and other measures introduced Mandatory wearing of face masks and increased public education i) Expansion of hospitals and ID units to deal with COVID-19ii) Development of treatment guidelinesiii) Active programmes to address misinformation
Lesotho 30 March – Borders closed Private industry and NGO support for testing 30 March – lockdown measures introduced NGO and industry support to purchase PPE National response command centre provides guidance
Malawi 1 April - suspension of international flights and increased surveillance Increasing the number of test facilities 18 April - lockdown measures proposed but suspended Ongoing acquisition of PPE to meet demand Instigation of isolation centres for COVID-19 patients and recruitment of more healthcare workers
Namibia 15 March – International flights banned and 24 March Foreign travellers banned 14 March – banning large gatherings; 15 March – schools closed and 27 March – lockdown measures introduced Individuals expected to wear masks in public Establishment of isolation units in public hospitals to tackle severe cases
Nigeria 23 March – closure of borders and ban on flights Protocols for testing to increase rates 23 March – closure of schools and ban on gatherings; 30 March – ban on non-essential travel Measures include hand sanitisation and mandatory wearing of masks (23 April) Nigerian CDC developing protocols and case management and instigation of isolation centres
Rwanda 21 March – Ban on travel including air travel Rapid testing – speeding up identification of cases Mid-March – lockdown including unnecessary travel outside of homes prohibited 19 April - Wearing of masks compulsory early in the pandemic Robots are helping in hospitals to address resource and other concerns
South Africa 26 March – complete travel ban introduced (eased 4 May) April – mass screening introduced as well as active case-finding 26/ 27 March – Stage 5 lockdown introduced including school closures Early April – use of PPE/ hand sanitisers regulated i) Isolation centres establishedii) Spread of misinformation punishable with fines or prisoniii) Length of prescriptions increased
Sudan Early March – Travel restrictions introduced – extended 20 April Screening at point of entry and WHO/ UNICEF helping with testing materials as currently limited Early/ Mid-March and extended - social isolation and school closures WHO/ UNICEF helping with PPE – concerns with appreciably increased prices in shops One isolation and treatment centre in the capital
Tanzania April 12 – International flights suspended 23 March – 14-day quarantining from some countries Yes – for large gatherings – however concerns that largely ignored 12 May – WHO helping to convert a commercial site into a 500-bedded treatment centre
Uganda 20 March – Closing borders and banning international travel 20 March – Mandatory quarantine at own expense for returning personnel 20 March – Lockdown measures implemented including suspending markets– slowly releasing Mid May Advising the public regarding hygiene measures and mandatory wearing of masks Task Force initiated (national, regional, district) to provide guidelines
Zambia March - Temporary closing of borders especially with Tanzania i) Initial response included a 14-day quarantine for travellers (Mid-March)ii) Mass screening where cases identified as well as contact tracing Lockdown measures including social distancing and closure of educational establishments March - Mandatory wearing of face masks in public places and active procurement of PPE MoH training and recruiting health workers to help with case management3 designated laboratories to help with testing using PCR methods
Zimbabwe 31 March – closure of borders 31 March - All returnees quarantined for 21 days 30 March national lockdown – further extended 1 May Local production of PPE and hand sanitisers to address shortages i) Establishment of COVID-19 Treatment Centres at one ID Hospital in Harare and one in Bulawayoii) National Guidelines updatediii) Law passed with potentially prison for fake news

NB: CDC, Centre for Disease Control; MoH, Ministry of Health; NGO, Non-governmental organization; PPE, Personal Protective Equipment; WHO, World Health Organization.