Table 3. Annual number of people possibly exposed to rabies virus, the Netherlands, 2016–2018 (n = 1,400).
Type of PEP | n | PrEP | Percentages |
Category III injury needing RIG and full series of vaccinationsa | 413 | No | 29.5% |
Category III injury, no RIG indicationb, full series of vaccinationsa | 540 | No | 38.6% |
Category III injury needing two vaccinations | 285 | Yes | 20.3% |
Category II injury needing full series of vaccinationsa | 125 | No | 8.9% |
Category II injury needing two vaccinations | 37 | Yes | 2.7% |
Total | 1,400 | NA | 100% |
NA: not applicable; PEP: post-exposure prophylaxis; PrEP: pre-exposure prophylaxis; RIG: rabies immunoglobulin.
a Persons without PrEP, using current recommendations: four vaccinations; using former recommendations: five vaccinations.
b >7 days after start of PEP vaccination series RIG is not indicated anymore and according to Dutch guidelines, RIG is not indicated for injuries inflicted by monkeys.