Table 4. Costs for rabies PrEP and PEP in Euros, the Netherlands.
Costs before travelling | MHS cost in EUR | GP cost in EUR | Source |
First consultation (per person) | 13.10 | 67.56 | Own calculations based on surveya |
Follow up consultation (per person) | 5.45 | 16.89 | Own calculations based on surveya |
Vaccine costs per IM administration | 51.64 | 51.64 | [31] |
Vaccine costs per ID administration | 6.81b | NA | Own calculations based on surveya |
Delivery fee for pharmacy (first time) | NA | 14 | [32] |
Delivery fee for pharmacy (second time and further) | NA | 7 | [32] |
Vaccination card | 4.09 | 4 | Mean price found on travel clinic websites [33,34] |
Costs after animal-associated incident | Costs | Source | |
Management MHS for persons needing RIG | 276 | Own calculations based on surveya | |
Management RIVM for persons needing RIG | 371 | Own calculations based on surveya | |
Transportation RIG | 125 | Mean costs, retrieved from RIVM | |
RIG old recommendations (new recommendations), administered in the Netherlands | 2,000 (800) | Own calculations (2 mL = EUR 375) (smaller dose) |
RIG, administered abroad | 2,731 | Mean costs per case, ECA | |
Administration RIG | 31.76 | Own calculations based on surveya | |
Management MHS for persons not needing RIG | 98.64 | Own calculations based on surveya | |
Vaccine | 51.64 | [31] per dose | |
Administration vaccination | 7.63 | Own calculations based on surveya | |
Mean repatriation costs | 1,650 | Costs per case, ECAc | |
Mean evacuation costs | 1,844 | Costs per case, ECAd |
ECA: Eurocross Assistance; GP: general practitioner; ID: intradermal administration; IM: intramuscular administration; MHS: Municipal Health Service; NA: not applicable; PEP: post-exposure prophylaxis; PrEP: pre-exposure prophylaxis; RIG: rabies immunoglobulin; RIVM: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.
All costs are expressed in Euros 2017.
a For details see Supplement (time costs of medical personnel including overhead expenses).
b The two-site ID regimen is included, therefore four doses in total.
c 9.5% of all persons needing RIG have repatriation costs.
d 7.4% of all persons needing RIG have evacuation costs.