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. 2020 Sep 24;25(38):1900716. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.38.1900716

Table 4. Costs for rabies PrEP and PEP in Euros, the Netherlands.

Costs before travelling MHS cost in EUR GP cost in EUR Source
First consultation (per person) 13.10 67.56 Own calculations based on surveya
Follow up consultation (per person) 5.45 16.89 Own calculations based on surveya
Vaccine costs per IM administration 51.64 51.64 [31]
Vaccine costs per ID administration 6.81b NA Own calculations based on surveya
Delivery fee for pharmacy (first time) NA 14 [32]
Delivery fee for pharmacy (second time and further) NA 7 [32]
Vaccination card 4.09 4 Mean price found on travel clinic websites [33,34]
Costs after animal-associated incident Costs Source
Management MHS for persons needing RIG 276 Own calculations based on surveya
Management RIVM for persons needing RIG 371 Own calculations based on surveya
Transportation RIG 125 Mean costs, retrieved from RIVM
RIG old recommendations (new recommendations), administered in the Netherlands 2,000 (800) Own calculations (2 mL = EUR 375)
(smaller dose)
RIG, administered abroad 2,731 Mean costs per case, ECA
Administration RIG 31.76 Own calculations based on surveya
Management MHS for persons not needing RIG 98.64 Own calculations based on surveya
Vaccine 51.64 [31] per dose
Administration vaccination 7.63 Own calculations based on surveya
Mean repatriation costs 1,650 Costs per case, ECAc
Mean evacuation costs 1,844 Costs per case, ECAd

ECA: Eurocross Assistance; GP: general practitioner; ID: intradermal administration; IM: intramuscular administration; MHS: Municipal Health Service; NA: not applicable; PEP: post-exposure prophylaxis; PrEP: pre-exposure prophylaxis; RIG: rabies immunoglobulin; RIVM: National Institute for Public Health and the Environment.

All costs are expressed in Euros 2017.

a For details see Supplement (time costs of medical personnel including overhead expenses).

b The two-site ID regimen is included, therefore four doses in total.

c 9.5% of all persons needing RIG have repatriation costs.

d 7.4% of all persons needing RIG have evacuation costs.