Table 5. Annual costs of rabies PrEP and PEP using different regimens, assuming no change in vaccination uptake, the Netherlands, 2018.
Former recommendations IM | Current recommendations IM | ID | |
National costs for prevention (before travel) in EUR | |||
Consultation | 7,050,700 | 6,807,800 | 6,807,800 |
Vaccination | 5,878,700 | 3,927,200 | 1,353,100 |
Total (before travel) | 12,929,400 | 10,735,000 | 8,160,900 |
National costs for prevention after an AAI in EUR | |||
Vaccinations and RIG | 1,401,300 | 1,086,400 | 1,086,400 |
Consultation and coordination | 480,900 | 480,900 | 480,900 |
Repatriation | 64,800 | 64,800 | 64,800 |
Evacuation | 56,400 | 56,400 | 56,400 |
Lost holidays | 423,000 | 423,000 | 423,000 |
Total (after potential exposure) in EUR | 2,426,400 | 2,111,500 | 2,111,500 |
Grand total (national costs) in EUR | 15,355,800 | 12,846,500 | 10,272,400 |
Costs in EUR per person vaccinated before travel | 411 | 336 | 275 |
ID: intradermal administration; IM: intramuscular administration; PEP: post-exposure prophylaxis; PrEP: pre-exposure prophylaxis; RIG: rabies immunoglobulin.