Fig. 5.
Empirical analysis. (A and B) Example of a movement trajectory of Drosophila larvae and the corresponding time series of turning angles, respectively. (C) Example of the result of S-map to check nonlinearity of the time series. (D–H) The results of perturbation analysis. (D and E) The corresponding cases of small and large for , respectively. (F and G) The corresponding cases of small and large for , respectively. (H) The difference of between F and G. Note that BW and LW model mean the proposed model with and 0.22, respectively. In D–H, all pairwise differences among the empirical, BW model, and LW model were statistically significant (). The black dots in D–H represent outliers, defined as data points outside the whiskers, which correspond to 1.5 times the interquartile range.