Fig. 3.
Rubisco catalysis rate for carboxylation (vc, blue) and oxygenation (vo, red) under different conditions of deuteration, using the enzyme from tobacco (A and B) or R. rubrum (C and D). Assays were carried out using ordinary water (H2O) or deuterated water (D2O, 96%) as a solvent, with ordinary (i.e., deuterium at natural abundance) or deuterated (99% D at the H3 atom position) ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP). Carboxylation was assayed at 45 µM (tobacco) and 150 µM (R. rubrum) dissolved CO2, and oxygenation at 200 µM dissolved O2. Data are mean and SD of n = 4 replicates. Letters stand for statistical classes: when two bars harbor distinct letters, it indicates that the values are statistically different (ANOVA, P < 0.01). Numbers above bars indicate the average H/D isotope effect (with reference to H2O + h-RuBP).