Figure 6.
NK and NKT cells along the colonic tract. [A] Representative t-SNE plot displaying events grouped into one of three sub-populations: CD3+CD161+, CD3-CD161+, and CD3-CD161-, pre-gated on Lin-CD56+ cellular events. In all, 25 000 cellular events were used for generation of t-SNE plots. [B] Abundance of CD3+CD161+ NKT cells, [C] CD3-CD161+ NK cells, and [D] CD3-CD161- NK cells in the four colonic compartments examined, determined using the Astrolabe profiling step,32 by limiting clusters to Lin-CD56+ events. Each data point represents a single donor, n = 10 total. Error bars represent standard deviation of mean. Statistical significance determined using analysis of variance [ANOVA], followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test.