Photosynthetic Sugars Regulate Tillering through OsCCA1.
(A) Tiller phenotype changes after DePs in the TC (vector only) and oscca1 mutant plants. Panicles were removed at 2 DPA. Ctrl, panicles not removed. Plants were photographed at 17 DPA. Scale bar = 20 cm.
(B) to (D) Changes of tiller numbers (Y-axis) at 17 DPA (mean ± sd; n = 10) (B), OsTB1 transcript abundance (Y-axis; mean ± sd; n = 3 biological replicates, unless noted otherwise) (C), and soluble sugar content (mg/g fresh weight, Y-axis; mean ± sd; n = 3) (D) in tiller buds after DePs relative to the Ctrl in the TC and oscca1 mutant plants. Different letters above each column indicate statistical significance at P < 0.05 (Tukey’s test).