Cell Wall Alterations in the gbp1-c
(A) to (P) Indirect immunofluorescence
microscopy of the wild type (WT) and
gbp1-c at 20 DPA or at the breaker
Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy was performed using antibodies and
probes that indicate different degrees of esterification of the HG
component of pectin, from highly esterified (LM20 antibody) to partially
esterified (JIM5 antibody, COS488), including no-esterified
forms that are able to bind to cations such as calcium
(Ca2+) and form gels in the middle lamella (2F4
antibody). Green represents specific antibody or probe signal. Arrow
indicates JIM5 signal close to the plasma membrane. The white signal
shows Calcofluor white staining of cell walls (β-linked glucans:
callose and cellulose). CJ, cell junctions; PD, plasmodesmata.