oBIR3-iHAE Chimeras Restore Floral Organ Shedding in hae hsl2 Mutant Plants.
(A) Cartoon representation of the oBIR3-iHAE chimera.
(B) Representative inflorescences of ∼9-week-old Arabidopsis Col-0, hae hsl2, and oBIR3-iHAE chimera, with one silique (indicated with a white star) shown magnified below. The # numbers indicate independent lines. Bars = 2 cm.
(C) Steady state protein levels are visualized by immunoblot with an anti-GFP antibody (detecting the mCitrine tag present in each chimera). The Ponceau-stained membrane is shown as loading control.
(D) co-IP experiment of oBIR3-iHAE chimera and SERK3. Shown alongside are the input immunoblots and the Ponceau-stained membrane from input samples (left). WT, wild type.