Figure 2.
Landscape of DGE Profiles and Genes Preferentially Expressed in Different Organs and in Petals at Different Stages.
(A) DGE sampling for petals and other lateral organs at representative stages in N. damascena. Note that carpels at S4 are indicated by the white ellipse. All but leaves and bracts at S12 are sampled for DGE profiling. Bar for Se and Ca = 1 mm; bar for Pe and St = 200 μm; and bar for Br and Le = 1 cm. Br, bract; Ca, carpel; Le, leaf; Pe, petal; Se, sepal; St, stamen.
(B) PCC (bottom left) and SCC (top right) analyses of the 22 samples.
(C) PCA analysis of the 22 samples. PC1, principal component 1; PC2, principal component 2.
(D) and (E) Venn diagrams showing the numbers of genes preferentially expressed in different organs (D) and in petals at different stages (E), respectively.