ROC curves for the discrimination of patients with high or low expression of circLMP2A. The black arrow indicates the cut‐off value (left).
Fluorescence microscopy showing the expression of GFP‐labelled plasmids in SNU‐4th, SNU719 and YCCEL1 cells.
The linear LMP2A mRNA levels were detected by real‐time PCR.
Northern blots for the detection of circLMP2A in SNU719 and YCCEL1 cells (circLMP2A over‐expressing stable transfectants) treated with or without RNase R digestion. Please note that the image was assembled from different blots (indicated by the black lines). The red arrow indicates the size of circLMP2A (429 bp).
The back‐spliced sequence of circLMP2A from the over‐expression system was validated by Sanger sequencing. The red arrow indicates the “head‐to-tail” splicing sites of circLMP2A.
The expression of circLMP2A was detected in xenograft tissues from in vivo tumorigenicity experiments using RT–qPCR.
Data information: Results are presented as the mean ± SD,
n = 3 biological replicates, scale bar = 100 μm, *
P <
0.05, Student's