Figure S5.
Inhibition of ATM or DNA-PK individually neither induces γH2AX nor affects terminal differentiation in human keratinocytes. Expression of γH2AX (left) or Inv (right) in keratinocytes treated with (a) ATMi or (b) DNA-PKi for 3 or 5 d (γH2AX or Inv, respectively), as measured by FC (+, positive keratinocytes according to negative isotype antibody control: red broken line). DMSO vehicle was used as control (CT). Bar histograms represent the corresponding percentage of keratinocytes expressing γH2AX or Inv relative to CT accordingly to the red gates, as indicated. Data are mean ± SEM of triplicate samples. ns: no statistically significant differences. This figure complements Fig. 5 and Fig. 6.