Figure 8. The periplakin tail domain is required to stabilize microridges.
(A) Superimposition of first and last frames from a time-lapse movie of WT cells expressing Lifeact-GFP at the indicated developmental stages. Green: Starting time point, Magenta: 4.5 min time point. Overlap is white. (B) Line plots of overlap coefficients at the indicated stages, comparing each time point to the first. n = 21–33 cells from 4 to 5 fish per category. Bars = 95% confidence interval. (C) Superimposition of first and last frames from a time-lapse movie of evpl−/−;ppl−/− double mutant animals expressing Lifeact-GFP, rescued with the indicated Evpl and Ppl fusions. (D) Line plots of overlap coefficients in cells expressing the indicated Evpl and Ppl fusions, comparing each time point to the first. n = 11 cells from 3 to 4 fish per category. Bars = 95% confidence interval. (E) Two-step model of microridge morphogenesis. First, plakins interact with F-actin via their head domains to fuse pegs into short microridges. Second, plakin-keratin interactions through plakin tail domains stabilize microridges, allowing them to further elongate. Scale bars: 10 µm.