Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis of 53 metazoan NTRK and ROR1 sequences (outgroup), aligned over 602 AA. Proportion of gaps and completely undetermined characters in the corresponding alignment: 16.84%. Sequences were collected from different sources: NTRK receptor sequences from protostomes are derived from OG_8965–1.4 of the 1.4 clustering, an orthogroup containing RTKs only (
Supplementary file 1–Supplementary Table 24). Deuterostomian NTRK sequences were collected at Non-bilaterian ROR1 sequences were obtained from OG_6493–1.4, the ROR1-specific orthogroup of the 1.4 clustering (
Supplementary file 1–Supplementary Table 24), while most bilaterian ROR1 sequences were downloaded from Branch labels correspond to the results of SH-aLRT (Shimodaira–Hasegawa-like approximate likelihood ratio test, left) and UFBoot (ultrafast bootstrap approximation, right) as implemented in IQ-TREE (
Nguyen et al., 2015).