Xenopus tropicalis Model of Zmym2 Loss of Function
(A) Schematic of the experimental procedure for injection of morpholino into one cell of a two-cell embryo. One side of the embryo is subject to the knockdown, while the other serves as an internal control.
(B and C) Representative images and quantitation of decreased pronephric area in one-sided zmym2 morphants.
(D and E) Representative images and quantitation of decreased caudal atp1a1 signal in one-sided zmym2 morphants.
(F) Schematic of the experimental procedure for injection of morpholino into a one-cell stage embryo.
(G and H) Representative images and quantitation of craniofacial dysmorphology in zmym2 morphants, and frequency of rescue of this phenotype in zmym2 morphants co-injected with ZMYM2 mRNA.
(I and J) Representative images and quantitation of cloacal exstrophy in zmym2 morphants.
(K) Quantitation of proximal pronephric size abnormalities comparing the ratio of proximal pronephric size on the mRNA versus MO only side of an embryo between those injected with mock mRNA, control missense mutants, and those injected with the human ZMYM2 mRNA variants representing truncating mutants.
Scale bars depict 500 μm. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001, ∗∗p < 0.005, ∗p < 0.05 by unpaired t test (C, K) and Fisher’s exact test (E, H, J). Bars indicate mean and standard deviation.