Wide-ranging NMR spectral characterization of cv Micro-Tom cutins isolated with cholinium hexanoate (2 h) from the cus1 and gpat6 mutants. A and B, 1H NMR spectra of both samples (gpat6 [A] and cus1 [B]), showing the relative abundance (percent) of linear aliphatic esters (LAE-α), total esters [α(C=O) esters], and free acids [α(C=O) acids]. C to F, HSQC regions corresponding to aliphatics (C and D) and CH/CH2-X aliphatics (E and F). Some assignments (unlabeled) are uncertain or unidentified. The absence of the signal assigned to α(C=O) acids is marked by a dashed circle. For simplicity, the wide-ranging NMR spectrum of the untreated cuticle from the cus1 mutant is not shown (see Supplemental Fig. S13 for details).