Histological and reverse transcription (RT)-qPCR analysis of organs in spikelets of the wild-type (WT) and mfs2 mutant. A, Transverse section of the joint of lemma (le) and palea (pa) in wild-type spikelets. B, Transverse section of the wild-type mrp. C, Magnification of the wild-type lodicule (lo). D, Transverse sections of the lemma and lemma-like palea (lp) in mfs2. E, Transverse section of the degraded palea (dp). F, Transverse section of the extra glume. G to I, Relative expression of OsMADS1, DL and OsMADS6 in organs of wild-type (blue) and mfs2 (orange) spikelets, respectively. ep, Extra palea/mrp-like organ. Scale bars = 100 μm.