Figure 4.
Expression pattern of floral-organ identity genes in spikelets of the wild-type and mfs2 mutant. A1 to A3, Expression of OsMADS6 in wild-type (WT) spikelets at the Sp4, Sp5, Sp6, Sp7, and Sp8 developmental stages. B1 to B3, Expression of OsMADS6 in mfs2 spikelets with degraded palea (dp) at the Sp4, Sp5, Sp6, Sp7, and Sp8 developmental stages. C1 to C3, Expression of OsMADS6 in mfs2 spikelets with lemma-like palea (lp) at the Sp4, Sp5, Sp6, Sp7, and Sp8 developmental stages. D1 to D3, Expression of DL in wild-type spikelets at the Sp4, Sp5, Sp6, Sp7, and Sp8 developmental stages. E1 to E3, Expression of DL in mfs2 with degraded spikelets at the Sp4, Sp5, Sp6, Sp7, and Sp8 developmental stages. F1 to F3, Expression of DL in mfs2 spikelets with lemma-like palea at the Sp4, Sp5, Sp6, Sp7, and Sp8 developmental stages. G1 to G3, Expression of OsMADS1 in wild-type spikelets at the Sp4, Sp5, Sp6, Sp7, and Sp8 developmental stages. H1 to H3, Expression of OsMADS1 in mfs2 with degraded spikelets at the Sp4, Sp5, Sp6, Sp7, and Sp8 developmental stages. I1 to I3, Expression of OsMADS1 in mfs2 spikelets with lemma-like palea at the Sp4, Sp5, Sp6, Sp7, and Sp8 developmental stages. ep, Extra palea/mrp-like organ; le, lemma; lo, lodicule; pa, palea; pi, pistil; sl, sterile lemma; sp, stamen-pistil fusion organ. Scale bars = 100 μm.