Figure 4.
Validation of the RNA-seq results. A, RT-qPCR analysis of BR6OX2, BEH2, IBH1, KIDAR1, AT3G07010, BEE1, BZR1, and BES1 in the 7-d-old cpd and bri1-701 brl1 brl3 seedlings treated with or without 1 µm BL for 2 h. B, RT-qPCR analysis of BR6OX2, BEH2, IBH1, KIDAR1, AT3G07010, BEE1, BZR1, and BES1 in the 24-d-old cpd and bri1-701 brl1 brl3 seedlings treated with or without 1 µm BL for 2 h. For each sample, the RT-qPCR assays were repeated three times, and the error bars denote ± sd. C, Effects of BR on the expression of pKIDAR1::GUS transgene plants. The top row shows the GUS staining of wild-type (WT) and 10 pKIDAR1::GUS T1 plants. The bottom row shows the 1-μm BL treatment increased the GUS signal of pKIDAR1::GUS transgene plants.