Fitnesses and wild-type population in a deteriorating environment. (A) Fitnesses fW, fG, and fS of the wild-type organisms (W), generalist (G), and specialist (S) mutants vs. time t (see Equations 1 and 2). Several values of the Hill coefficient n are shown for W. Inset: selection coefficient for both types of mutants M = G or S
vs. time t, shown with n = 5 (and m = 5 for S mutants). (B) Number NW of W microbes vs. time t for different values of n (same colors as in A). Data points correspond to averages over 103 replicate stochastic simulations, and error bars (smaller than markers) represent 95% confidence intervals. Black solid curves correspond to numerical integrations of Equation 3. Parameter values:
K = 103, and θ = 103. Vertical dotted line in both panels: t = θ.