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. 2020 Aug 26;216(2):499–519. doi: 10.1534/genetics.120.303469

Table 1. Spearman’s correlation coefficients between various properties of the simulated region and the sum of the posterior probabilities for diploS/HIC’s hard and soft classes.

Genome and demographic scenario Strength of selection on CNEs Number of selected sites in central window Number of flanking selected sites Total recombination rate
Human (equilibrium) Same as exons ρ = −0.038 (P = 0.90) ρ = −0.048 (P = 0.13) ρ = −0.21 (P = 2.3 × 10−11)a
Human (equilibrium) 10-fold weaker ρ = 0.044 (P = 0.16) ρ = −0.027 (P = 0.38) ρ = −0.18 (P = 7.8 × 10−9)a
Human (Tennessen) Same as exons ρ = 0.021 (P = 0.50) ρ = −0.028 (P = 0.37) ρ = −0.10 (P = 0.0011)a
Human (Tennessen) 10-fold weaker ρ = 0.020 (P = 0.53) ρ = 0.028 (P = 0.37) ρ = −0.11 (P = 2.7 × 10−4)a
Drosophila (Sheehan and Song) Same as exons ρ = 0.05 (P = 0.085) ρ = −0.054 (P = 0.087) ρ = − 0.15 (P = 3.9 × 10−6)a
Drosophila (Sheehan and Song) 10-fold weaker ρ = 0.13 (P = 2.7 < 10−15)a ρ = −0.032 (P = 0.30) ρ = −0.22 (P = 7.7 × 10−13)a

All simulations were under either the real BGS model or the real BGS model with weaker selection on CNEs. BGS, background selection; CNE, conserved noncoding element; recomb, recombination.


Uncorrected P-values are shown marking correlations that are significant with α = 0.05 after Bonferroni correction.