Figure 1. GABA treatment reduces body weight loss and death rate in MHV-1 infected mice.
Female A/J mice were inoculated with MHV-1 intranasally and immediately placed on plain water (control, solid black line) or water containing 20 mg/ml GABA (GABA0, dashed blue line) or given plain water for 3 days post-infection and then placed on water containing 20 mg/ml GABA (GABA3, orange dotted line) for the remaining observation period. A) Daily changes in % body weights post-infection (% of day 0), p<0.0001 and p=0.0008 for GABA0 and GABA3 (respectively) vs. control by repeated measure ANOVA. (GABA0 vs. GABA3,p=0.175.) B) Daily percent of surviving mice in each group, p=0.002 and p=0.01 for GABA0 and GABA3 vs. control, respectively by log-rank test. (p=0.32 for GABA0 vs. GABA3) N=9 mice in the control group, 10 mice in each GABA-treated group. Data shown are from two separate studies with 4–5 mice/group. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 vs. the control.