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. 2020 Sep 22;33(3):e23508. doi: 10.1002/ajhb.23508


Summary statistics of study sample

Entire sample (N = 2099) Expressed COVID‐19‐related financial worries (N = 896) Did not express COVID‐19‐related financial worries (N = 1203) P value
Age (years) 31.3 (4.4) 31.0 (4.5) 31.5 (4.3) .01
Weeks pregnant 26.4 (9.0) 26.4 (8.9) 26.4 (9.2) .99
Previous birth .02
Yes 1038 (49.5%) 417 (46.5%) 621 (51.6%)
No 1061 (50.6%) 479 (53.5%) 582 (48.4%)
White 1814 (86.4%) 749 (83.6%) 1065 (88.5%) .03
Hispanic/Latino 133 (6.3%) 74 (8.3%) 59 (4.9%)
African American 31 (1.5%) 15 (1.7%) 16 (1.3%)
Asian 70 (3.3%) 32 (3.6%) 38 (3.2%)
American Indian/Alaska 12 (0.6%) 6 (0.7%) 6 (0.5%)



39 (1.9%)

20 (2.2%)

19 (1.6%)
Self‐rated health .006
Poor/fair 150 (7.2%) 80 (8.9%) 70 (5.8%)
Good/excellent 1926 (92.9%) 816 (91.1%) 1133 (94.2%)
Household income
$ < 49 999 256 (12.2%) 175 (19.5%) 81 (6.7%)
$50‐99 000 695 (33.1%) 317 (35.4%) 378 (31.4%)
$100 000+ 1148 (54.7%) 404 (45.1%) 744 (61.9%) <.001
Less than bachelor's degree 492 (23.4%) 279 (31.2%) 213 (17.7%) <.001
Bachelor's degree 730 (34.8%) 280 (31.3%) 450 (37.4%)
Degree beyond bachelor's 877 (41.8%) 337 (37.6%) 540 (44.9%)
Household size 2.9 (1.1) 2.9 (1.2) 2.8 (1.0) .40
Living with partner .004
Yes 2010 (95.8%) 848 (94.7%) 1162 (96.6%)
No 89 (4.2%) 48 (5.4%) 41 (3.4%)
Live with parents/in‐laws .003
Yes 120 (5.7%) 67 (7.5%) 53 (4.4%)
No 1979 (94.3%) 829 (92.5%) 1150 (95.6%)
Clinically significant depression (EPDS ≥ 15)
Yes 496 (23.6%) 295 (32.9%) 201 (16.7%) <.001
No 1603 (76.4%) 601 (67.1%) 1002 (83.3%)

Note: P values report significant differences in sample characteristics by whether or not participants expressed financial worries due to the COVID‐19 pandemic (yes/no) in chi‐squared tests (categorical variables) and t tests (continuous variables). Bold values = P < .05.