Remodeling of the skin-resident and circulating memory compartment.
(A) Example plots depicting the strategy to determine the disparity between two cellular compartments, as applied in Figs. 3 C and 7 F. Disparity of compartments B and C to compartment A can be assessed by plotting the fraction of cumulative reads of clones in compartments B and C, which are ordered based on their size (largest to smallest) in compartment A (y axis), to the cumulative reads of the ordered clones in compartment A (x axis). Area between the compartment A reference curve and compartment B (left) and C (right) curves is calculated to generate a measure of disparity. (B) Left: Illustration of the subdivision of ordered effector-stage T cell clones (large to small) into four bins, with each bin containing 25% of all observed clones. Middle and right: Quantitative contribution of binned clones detected in effector blood to the TRM and TCIRCM compartment. Median with whiskers representing minimum/maximum; ***, P < 0.0005, Mann–Whitney U test. (C) Relative contribution of TEFF clones in bins 1–4 (highlighted in blue) to the TRM and TCIRCM compartments. In B and C, data are representative of two independent experiments; dots represent individual clones.