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. 2020 Oct 5;10(10):e038286. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038286

Table 5.

Clinical care of participants with follow-up questionnaire data who were newly diagnosed with COPD by case finding

Listed on COPD register
Yes (n=78) No (n=297)
N* (%) N* (%)
Informed about COPD diagnosis 69 88.5 52 17.5
Annual review undertaken 65 83.3 103 34.7
Spirometry undertaken 68 87.2 111 37.4
Inhaler technique assessed 37 47.4 72 24.2
Antibiotics prescribed 14 17.9 18 6.1
Steroids prescribed 13 16.7 14 4.7
Influenza vaccine offered 77 98.7 242 81.5
Influenza vaccine received 67 85.9 207 69.7
Pneumococcal vaccine offered 44 56.4 128 43.1
Pneumococcal vaccine received 43 55.1 121 40.7
Pulmonary rehabilitation offered 4 5.1 5 1.7
Attended pulmonary rehabilitation 3 3.8 6 2
Smoking cessation advice given 44 56.4 103 34.7
Smoking cessation support offered† 34 43.6 60 20.2
Inhalers prescribed SABA 45 57.7 87 29.3
SAMA 21 26.9 18 6.1
ICS 5 6.4 23 7.7
LABA 0 0 5 1.7
LAMA 7 9 1 0.3
ICS/LABA 17 21.8 40 13.5
LABA/LAMA 2 2.6 2 0.7
Any of the above 58 74.4 104 35
Care plan provided 62 79.5 39 13.1
Clinical care score <5 9 11.5 214 72.1
5–9 56 71.8 76 25.6
≥10 13 16.7 7 2.4
Median (IQR) 8 (6–9) 3 (2–5)

*Number of participants self-reporting having received the clinical intervention.

†19/25 (76%) smokers listed on the COPD Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) register received smoking cessation support and 34/54 (63%) smokers not listedon the COPD QOF register had received this.

COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; IQR, Interquartile range; LABA, long acting beta 2 agonist; LAMA, long acting muscarinic antagonist; SABA, short acting beta 2 antagonist; SAMA, short acting muscarinic antagonist.