Table 2.
The description of factors in the multinomial regression model.
Factor | Scale | Definition |
Food security score | (0–27) | 0 = food secure status; 27 = severe food insecure status |
Anxiety and uncertainty score | (2–9) | 2 = low anxiety; 9 = high anxiety |
Insufficient quality score | (4–14) | 4 = low insufficient quality; 14 = high insufficient quality |
Insufficient food intake score | (15–27) | 15 = low insufficient food intake; 27 = high insufficient food intake |
HDDS | 0–12 | The number of food groups consumed by a household during the past week |
Low HDDS (Lower 4.5) | 0–4.5 | The small number of food groups consumed by a household |
Medium HDDS (Between 4.5 and 6) | 4.6–6 | The medium number of food groups consumed by a household |
High HDDS (Higher 6) | 6.5–12 | The high number of food groups consumed by a household |
Age of head of household | Year | Age of head of participated household in online sampling |
Size of household | Number | The number of members of a household |
Head occupation status | 1–3 | The status of occupation of the head of household with three-level: employed = 1, unemployed = 2, retired = 3 |
Household income | 1–5 | The income group of head of household: first quintile = 1, second quintile = 2, third quintile = 3, fourth quintile = 4, fifth quintile = 5 |
Personal saving | 0–1 | Whether a household has personal saving in Iranian banks or not; having personal saving = 1, not having = 0 |
Number of employed members | Number | The number of members who are working |
Number of educated members | Number | The number of members who educated at different level |
Number of subsidy recipient members | Number | The number of members who receive direct government payment within a household (subsidy) |
Mother’s occupation status | 1–3 | 1 = unemployed; 2 = permanent employment; 3 = seasonal employment |
Number of disease members | Number | The number of members who suffer from a nun-communicable diseases) |
Number of male children | Number | Number of male children under 18 years old |
Number of female children | Number | Number of female children under 18 years old |
Head education status | 1–5 | The education level of head of household: illiterate = 1, rudimentary = 2; under diploma = 3, university = 4; technical trainings = 5 |
Gender of head | 0–1 | gender of head of household: male = 1, female = 2 |
Nutrition knowledge | 1–5 | The level of nutrition knowledge which is self-reported: very low = 1, low = 2, medium = 3, high = 4, very high = 5 |